Rescue, Realease, & Renewel......(In reference to helping spirits cross-over)
Quiet awhile back, I attended classes to help hone in some of my "special gifts. The teacher labeled her classes "Rescue, Release, & Renew", hence the tittle of this blog (no kidding)! The classes dealt majorly with learning how to safely help spirits cross-over into the "big sky"(heaven or whatever it is labeled in your particular religion).NO harm meant by the reference. They also dealt minorly with using the methods to help someone in everyday life, healing illness, and whatever else was missing in ones' life. Big doses of risk, respect and responsibility were also added. When to recognize and when to help someone in need(ergo: healings, dreams, possesion, and mental confusion).
We learned that there are seven universal rays that reach our planet. The most important ones are as follows...1) Will/Purpose, blue in color and responds to the throat chakra. 4) Harmony through Conflict, white color and responds to the root of all. 6) Devotion/Idealism, red in color and responds to the solar plexus.
Now that you know about the 3-R's, I thought I might share some of prayers and what not that were included in the classes. Some of them are very well put.
1) I Am the Soul
I am the soul,
and also love am I.
Above all else, I am
both will and fixed design.
My will is now to lift
the lower self into the Light Divine.
That light I am.
Therefore, I must descend
to where that lower self awaits,
my coming.
That which desires to lift
and that which cries for lifting
are now as one.
Such is my will.
2) I draw a circle of love and protection extending 6 feet
around the house, around the room and around me.
In this circle, I place the white light of peace, the blue light of healing
and the red light of energy and love.
And I further direct that nothing or no one
can enter this circle
that is not for my highest good.
I hope you like or at the very least find this comment interesting/educational, and hope to add more interesting mystical things in the future. For tonight, love and light to all and may you all travel on the path that is right for you.
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