Monday, January 16, 2006


In a run-down, brick apartment complex. It prowls restlessly back and forth in the cob web infested room at the end of a long corridor. Two luminescent green eyes appear, relflecting worlds of old in oceans of a deep, dark and longing cold. Hiding a cruel storm brewing from the hell within. Gradually creeping out of the night and seeping over into the sunlight. It thrives on probing the brains of unaware victims...Peeling thru memories and such, one by one, like visions of a cold, rising sun.

Serena shook violently in her love seat, which rested comfortably along the side of her panoramic window. She woke up to the tranquil surroundings of her apartment. Beads of sweat clung hungrily to her body. Like morning dew dripping down a lovers' red rose. She took in a deep breath, held it for a few moments, and then exhaled. This little exercise helped her to relax and find her inner calmness. Allowing her to realize that she must've fallen asleep in the love seat yet again. She stood up to stretch and was immediately drawn to the window. The view outside contained a glimmer of the hazy city below that Serena was becoming part of day by day. While gazing out at the city below, she could sense a storm approaching . As if it was outside that very window!

Serena jumped back and started to giggle at herself for being so foolish. Her daydreaming had caused her to be spooked by the simple, green-eyed worker that went by the name of Lucas. He was steadily washing the outside of all the complexs' many windows. She told herself to stop being so paranoid, but she couldn't help feeling a bit jumpy, especially after the bizzare dream she had just experienced.

What she didn't know was the the dream was in all actuality an experience within itself that soon would be grasping and holding onto life. Making itself more visable within days. Almost to the point of becoming flesh and blood again.

It had been impatiently waiting for several months and now the time was beginning to draw near. The momentous occasion when it would reappear and everyone would feel its' fury and taste the fear!

The evil began to unravel with one viciously, wicked sneer. All those sweet and innocent better steer clear. That includes you, precious Serena , my dear, or you'll shed several bloody tears.

Chapter #2-Home(several months later....)

Just a few months ago, Serena only knew Lucas as her "Window Man", but now things were becoming different. The two had become fast friends over a cup of joe one night at the cafe around the corner. Already they were talking about becoming a couple, and deciding on where to start their new lives together.
Serena and Lucas were standing in front of their newly purchased, brick, apartment complex....Although it was rather run-down, it would serve as their new home and income.Or maybe not....

It was as if Serena was caught in a bad version of dejavu'. She couldn't figure out whre she had seen this place before, but already she didn't like it. Lucas took her hand in his and lead her inside.

Here's where it all began and where it all could end, but when....

*So now you know why it is tittled "Unfinished". It is still in the works and one day I'll get it done. In the meantime, feel free to express any comments or opinons that you may have about it, but due try to keep them positive. Until next time...


Andrometa said...

Very interesting. One day you will have to sit down and finish it. :)

I like a good paranomal story.

I was thinking, have you thought about writing things that incomporate your learnings as a Reki master and that kind of thing?

Might be interesting, especially for those of us without any knowledge of the subjects. :)

Just an idea, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Your writing caught my attention and I couldn't stop reading it! You need to do more.